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Board of Finance Minutes 12/7/2010
DECEMBER 7, 2010
First Floor Conference Room
Old Saybrook Town Hall

CALL TO ORDER Chairman, Carl Fortuna, called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Finance to order at 7:31 P.M.
Attendant Members                       Absent Members                  
Carl Fortuna, Chairman                  John O’Brien
Sonny Whelen,V. Chairman                Grant Westerson                 
Lee Sparaco
David LaMay                             
Barry O’Nell

In Attendance
Bob Fish, Treasurer
Bill Peace, Selectman
Julie Pendleton, Director of Finance & Operations
Brad Thorpe, Chairman, Finance Sub-Committee
Gerri Lewis, Clerk


MINUTES 10/19/10; Spec.Mtg. 11/9/10:
Due to absences, the minutes were tabled.

Ms. Pendleton updated the Board of Finance on the following:
The Teachers Contract settled and filed with Town Clerk.  Briefly, it is “0” increase for the first year; 2.9% in the second year and 2.9% in the third year.  There was a change in benefits which netted out to 1.99 % increase overall.  There is a contribution by employees and an increase in the deductible.

The budget is being put together with the main drivers being staffing & benefits and Special Ed.  There is a 10% increase in health insurance which is an 8% increase in the budget.  Last year there was a 5% decrease.

Mr. Thorpe noted that the teachers fought hard for the “0” increase which may have been against the CEA’s recommendations.

Mr. Sparaco asked if there were any language changes.  Ms. Pendleton noted that the changes were minor and didn’t affect dollars.  It came down to salary and benefits.  Mr. Thorpe noted that the BOE was able to make adjustments.  The average step movement in Connecticut is 2%.  It is now 15 steps from 13 steps and it evened out a more reasonable movement as it takes 2 more years to get to the top.

Mr. Whelen was concerned for the future due to state funding being lower and putting the burden on the town.  

Mr. Sparaco asked if there was any discussion of lay offs.  Ms. Pendleton noted that staffing would be adjusted if enrollment is down.  She noted that ECS and transportation allotment was decreased from the state by approximately13%.

Ms. Pendleton noted that the boiler at Goodwin School needs minor work.  Future projects and the need to establish a capital account would be for roofs, windows, tennis courts and the track.  Mr. Sparaco noted that it would be a good idea to get estimates as there are a lot of contractors looking for work.  He felt that the a municipal reserve fund should be established for these such items.  Mr. Sparaco commended Ms. Pendleton and the BOE for doing a great job, but felt that monies need to be established for capital improvements.  He noted that we should be planning ahead for these items, not forced to find money as they come up.  Ms. Pendleton said that the roof at the middle school and windows for the Goodwin School were most important.

It was suggested that a sub-committee of the BOF be formed to investigate the issues noted above.

Chairman Fortuna called upon Treasurer Fish for his report.  Mr. Fish handed out his report Fiscal Year ending November 30, 2010.  Mr. Fish noted that 42% of the year has now passed and everything is where it should be.  He pointed out the WPCA and the Sewer Avoidance Fund.  

Mr. Peace reported on the Police Union negotiations.  The Union would not take 2% increase.  They wanted a 5% increase for 2010 and another 5% for 2011.  The Police Union asked for a change in work hours and pension enhancements.

Mr. Peace noted that the PD building committee proposal came in at 10.6 million including a 5% contingency.  The request for proposal included a cap of 4.5 million.  Mr. LaMay noted that the building committee will go back and take another look and that the 10 million was way over budget.

Mr. Peace reported that there was another heart and hypertension issue in the PD.

The sidewalk project is suspended for now due to winter weather.

Chairman Fortuna spoke again to Mr. Fish about a sub-committee to look into a reserve in the budget.  Mr. Fish again noted that you have to look at a capital plan first.

At this time, there being no further business, Chairman Fortuna asked for a motion to adjourn.

Motion:  To adjourn at 8:49 p.m.

Moved:  D. LaMay                                         Second: G. Whelen

Discussion:  None

Approved:  C. Fortuna; D. LaMay; B. O’Nell; G. Whelen; L. Sparaco

Respectfully Submitted,
Gerri Lewis, Clerk